Guidewire Coaching was born out of a need we discovered in our work with clients and our own clinical practice: We learn excellence in medicine, but not how to thrive throughout our careers. We are attempting to fill this gaping hole in clinician education.
Created by Rob Orman, MD, and Scott Weingart, MD, two of the leading educators and coaches in emergency, acute, and critical care medicine, Guidewire’s mission is to support clinician well-being and give you the tools for:
Finding Joy
Getting Sh*t Done
Getting home on time
Career Longevity
Focusing on What Matters
Kicking Ass at Work and Having Fun Doing it
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
–Viktor Frankl
We hope through our interactions and our courses to make you life fuller, richer, and more joyful!
Meet your Coaches
We are two physician coaches committed to helping clinicians rediscover the joy in their careers and lives!

Rob Orman, MD
Emergency Physician from Bend, OR. Physician Coach. Creator of the Stimulus Podcast and ERcast.
Individual Coaching Site:

Scott Weingart, MD
Emergency Intensivist from New York. Physician Coach. Creator of
Individual Coaching Site:
Learn About the UnBurnable Course
Your crushed spirit will thank you
Learn about the Out-on-Time Course
Getting out of your shifts on time will add to your life and extend your career